I support any legislation that advances the craft beer movement in equal opportunistic fashion. I will also say out front that I support HB 660. There are some issues that need to be addressed.
Maximum production
As written 660 imposes a 75,000 bbl limit on production under a brewpub permit, excluding Shiner, Miller and Bud facilities(It’s worth noting Saint Arnold is around the halfway point of this mark). Why? If this bill is supposed to be an economic home run, why not make it a grand slam? Why limit the size of a brewery that can obtain this new license? Give Shiner, Miller and Bud a chance to tango as well, while allowing Saint Arnold to dip more than just a foot in.
The problem with a limit is that almost regardless of the limit imposed it is going to suffer from being both too big and too small. If it isn’t big enough, it’s just going to rub established breweries and brewpubs the wrong way. If it isn’t small enough people will bitch and moan about X fold growth to potential brewpubs output without benefit to others.
HB 660 will deeply affect Texas breweries and brewpubs alike. Breweries will be faced with big decisions as to how much of the newly enacted law they want to take on.
It’s not as simple as deciding, “ok we are open, pull up chair next to that bottling machine, here is your burger and beer, that’ll be 10 bucks. “ Point of Sales systems have to be implemented. Buildings assessed. Permits, tables, chairs, employees, loans, taxes, insurance……
It’s not just for breweries either. Likewise brewpubs will need time to consider things like expansion opportunities, vehicle purchase, employees and learning the ins and outs of the retail system including delivering, invoicing, standing in the yellow lines and oh yes (welcome to hell) merchandising.
September 1st is too early. But waiting for another fiscal year is too long of a delay in my opinion. Waiting ‘til December gives everyone more time to decide, act and file and will make a hell of a Christmas present.
Don’t invite someone to a swimming party and then start playing basketball. Or at least give them time to change lest some speedo may slap your face when I’m slammin’.
HB 660 would be a game changer. It would help Texas craft beer in a multitude of ways. It is great for the consumer. It will increase awareness of Texas beer in general. But don’t put a bill out that cracks the valve. We aren’t gearing up for a freeze. Open the damn thing up and let it rain like El Nino. Comprende?